Data extraction company
Data extraction company
Data extraction company
price comparison
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data Services
Data Science Consulting
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price intelligence
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Data as a Service

You have the freedom to modify the data services following your requirements with our customizable option. Select the data you require, using our data sources we specify the appropriate data format and structure for you.

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Software as a Service

Businesses frequently need Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions that can be customized to meet their requirements and workflow. Our adaptable SaaS platform provides you with customizable software to meet your functionalities. Avail the software as a service to carry out smooth business processes, and branding.

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Smart API Plug And Play

Maximize the functionality of your APIs, and improve your overall digital infrastructure with our adaptable Smart API plug-and-play solution. We customize the APIs to suit your needs by providing you with solutions for fine-tuning your businesses’ API parameters.

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Mass Retailer

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Industry Supply

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Tools & Machine

I have been using the Iconic Data Scrap services for more than a year now and I can confidently say that they provided me with their data quality services beyond my expectations.

Shir Marsh

With their customizable solutions, they provided us with accurate and up-to-date data information and price intelligence that proved to be instrumental in empowering our business growth.

Business Advisor

I want to thank Iconic Data Scrap for understanding our requirements and helping us to streamline our company's operations. The team was very supportive and humble, we enjoyed it with them.

Mark Root
Custom data collected
Monitor Countries
Big Data Analysis
Competitors monitored